Biblical Education
Biblical education at Valley Christian School is our top priority. As part of our program, we offer students weekly Chapel, Bible discipleship training in high school, character education, curriculum taught from a biblical worldview, and daily Bible classes for all grades. Additionally, the culture at Valley Christian seeks to instill biblical morals and values in all areas of our school programs, whether it be academics, athletics, fine arts, extracurriculars, field trips, mission trips, or any other experiences that make up the offerings found at Valley Christian School.
Our commitment to education taught through a Biblical worldview began with five families desiring a school that allowed education be taught through the lens of God’s Word. Through prayer, sweat equity, and the leading of the Lord, our school began in 1979, and the journey continues. Because of this commitment to Biblical education, VCS is dedicated to remaining a non-profit entity, allowing us the freedom to stay true to our founding mission.
Colossians 1:18 “…that in all things He might have the preeminence.”
Our Mission Statement:
Valley Christian School exists to partner with Christian families who desire educational excellence taught through a Biblical worldview so their children will be prepared for a lifetime of authentic faithfulness and service to Jesus Christ.